2008年4月20日 星期日

復刻 --- 研究所見與經驗所見

2003 2004年罷,教育局常任秘書長羅范椒芬、局長李國章先後探訪本校。

我在交談中都力陳混合語 ( mix code) 教學的好處,但言者諄諄,聽者藐藐。大抵「掛羊頭,賣狗肉」這錯誤指控已深入無識者的人心,大家都以為不純用英語教學不倫不類,會累死人。然而,教育失效的真正原因卻不在教學語言,而在更宏觀的因素(請參考本網誌文章 --- 教學語言的迷思)。人們不去找難找的元兇,卻隨手找一個良民開刀,於是舉世歡呼,煞有介事,社會資源錯誤投放,教育事業蒙塵十年,學生前途遭逢混沌。我是家長,我也在考慮應否狀告教育局無理剝奪學童選用教學語言的自由!




這篇文章不是投稿報刋,不會有堆砌字數以騙稿費之嫌,我就把 <教學語言的迷思> 的一段文字轉貼如下,這就是我對新教學語言政策的建議:




26 則留言:

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Just thought of another perspective to view the study result, want to share it here....

If HK government wants to use "mother tongue" in schools, why do they insist students must past the English subject in order to go to Universities? Is HK really a place so foreign that if you don't know English you cannot survive?

When I was in the US, I took the SAT to apply for Universities, my English score was 470 out of 800 (you get 200 points just to write your name) and I scored lower than 68% of test takers. In HK, that would be failing. However, I still get into UCLA with my perfect math score and although I did not get top scores in school, I survived and got my degree and now working in a career that I dreamed of (if I was in Hong Kong I wouldn't even get the chance).

Instead of forcing students to pass Chinese and English, how about you must pass 2 subjects among Chinese, English and Mathematics? or for different subjects, have different requirements (for art programs, maybe students must pass art instead of the big 3 etc.)?

The problem is probably they never really "fix" the problem but instead just change one segment of a system making the end result wores than before. If they roll out the changes I mentioned above, may be the study result might be different.

2008年3月16日 下午 6:00

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2008年3月16日 下午 8:09

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laulong 師兄,果然是有心人:)

2008年3月16日 下午 10:23

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May I ask why written communications must be in English? Is there a certain reason why Chinese wouldn't be the first choice in written documents? I havn't been in Hong Kong for a long time and I just would want to know. I would understand that before 1997, but after HK merges with China, I wouldn't think using Chinese would be such a bad idea.

2008年3月16日 下午 11:27

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desertfox :



母乳教學本質上沒問題。問題是以中文教學,不應是現在的 [ 因為要中文,所以應該要顯淺的 ] 。這是謬論,既要母語教學,便要把課程深度提高,才是母語教學令學生易於理解的原意。


2008年3月17日 上午 12:00

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剛才一直就 Desertfox 的留言思考回應,寫下寫下的又成了一篇文章。我會張貼成正文,請各位親愛的文友指正。


2008年3月17日 上午 12:20

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Maybe i could share my pervious working experience before being a matured-student at CityU (Dept of English & Communication) from 03 to 06.

I was used in the capacity of legal secretary in top-10 intl firms (e.g. Baker & McKenzie, Coudert Brothers, Allen & Overy), then being legal secy (title inflation to "legal assistant" since 2001) for in-house legal-counsel in multi-national corporations or listed companies. Once even be a contract secy at "High Court" - i called it "No. 1 Court":)

Before 97, all govt, legal & corporate docs WERE in English! Even there were Chi translations, there'll usually be a "reminder" - "This document is based on the original/English version".

In that case, if you come from Eng secondary schools, when you graduated (in my case) as a F.5 student, you will be familiarized with the Eng environment.

Also, when we're required to take the School Cert Exam (F.5 students public exam), for "English" subject, 2 different categories. Syllabus A is for Chi sec schools while Syllabus B is for Eng sec schools. Laulong, pls correct me if i'm wrong?!

However, starting from 2009 (?), all F. 5 students are no longer required to take this School cert exam. As there'll be a new system "334", i.e. 3 lower-secondary, 3 higher-secondary, then 4 tertiary study.

Hope it helps & explains the current situation.

2008年3月17日 上午 12:40

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>>Syllabus A is for Chi sec schools while Syllabus B is for Eng sec schools.

You are right. But as a Chi sec schools student, you can choose syllabus B on your own accord(with no objection from the school), and vice versa.

2008年3月17日 上午 1:35

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Desertfox 提到...
May I ask why written communications must be in English? Is there a certain reason why Chinese wouldn't be the first choice in written documents? I havn't been in Hong Kong for a long time and I just would want to know. I would understand that before 1997, but after HK merges with China, I wouldn't think using Chinese would be such a bad idea.





2008年3月17日 上午 8:45

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So because HK is a city facing outward, thus in order to make a friendlier commerce environment, communications are in English, but what about the other languages like German, French, Italian or even Arabic (we can't forget Mr. Bow Tie wants to attract the Arabic money to HK)?

Thanks for explaining the situation for me, now I get a better picture of what's going on.

I totally agree with what you wrote, just interesting to see how people look at English as the only foreign language out there (well, maybe japanese as well), but you seldom hear people learning German, French, Spanish, Italian etc.

"香港就是把教學,和向祖國的政治心態問題混為一談,結果就是拿學生當試驗品." That pretty much summed up the 10 years of mother tongue education.

2008年3月17日 下午 5:05

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To desertfox:

once i learnt Spanish for a short while, but no practice so forget la:)

2008年3月18日 上午 1:34

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Hi Angel,

I learned one year of German in Norway (mandatory foreign language, choose between French and German) and I had 2 years of Spanish in USA (mandatory foreign language, choose between French and Spanish *I should have picked French in Norway, doh*). I never tell people that I know German and know Spanish because I can't carry conversations with them, but it sets the background for me if I want to further develop it in the future.
As an international city like Hong Kong, I think it should at least contain more people who can speak different languages, not just English.

2008年3月18日 上午 8:26

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2008年3月18日 上午 11:42

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2008年3月18日 下午 1:51

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英文是國際商業語言,迨無疑問;英文又是 97 前的宗主國語文,一眾洋官買辦,高級華人都以英語溝通,並以此為攏聚的通行證。換句話說,英語已非單純的溝通功具,甚至是利益群體的共同標籤。


2008年3月18日 下午 11:28

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2008年3月18日 下午 11:43

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2008年3月18日 下午 11:51

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Q1: 公營學校應否教授第二外語? A2:官立嘉道理爵士中學(西九龍)已有教授第二、三外語,my best friend's brother stuided @ this sch, he got B in French IGCSE exam. 而條件較好的中學也有教授第二外語,我那些 DGS、La salle 的 friends 有考到 German or French in HKCEE!
Q2:是否取消中文於其他學科的學習? A2:中國人對中文的學習不該止於應用,因為中國的文字不只是工具,是思想、藝術、文化!你會叫六、七歲的豆丁理解何謂"方塊字"嗎?有讀過歐洲語文的人 也知道,西、法、意的文法基本是一樣,字的串法也差不多 ... 更體會到中國文字的獨特性。

2008年3月19日 上午 10:43

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會不會是這些第二外語可以取代中文,或英文的其中一科呢?DGS 與 La salle 的學生會不會是是自行修習,再經學校報考的呢?因為科種太多,編時間表會很困難。



2008年3月19日 下午 1:48

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我個 friend 同個friend 個細佬都係香港人,佢考中、英、法三科"文科",其他係理科 ... 如果我哋學習中文旨在溝通,咁同d賓妹識講廣東話有乜分別?

2008年3月19日 下午 9:28

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謝謝你。你教那些科目,教擔重嗎?我總覺得,教學是一門付出極大的工作,很有意義,卻真的很艱難!要同行互勉,相濡以沫 :)

2008年3月19日 下午 11:21

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2008年3月20日 上午 7:50

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諗真 d 係連賓妹都不如,因為佢哋母語係大家樂語,第一外語係英文,第二外語先到廣東話...如果我哋唔努力 d,好快比 d 菲傭、泰傭淘汰...其實係淘汰咗...你去LKF睇吓,好多侍應已經係菲、泰人,人哋d人工一d都唔cheap,有成皮架...點解唔請d廿零歲嘅 high dip、副學士、大學生?因為佢哋d英文同普通話差law!

2008年3月20日 上午 9:34

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2008年3月20日 下午 1:43

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With such high living standard in Hong Kong, I am afraid that wouldn't even be an option.

People from Indonesia and Phillipines can come over here and work because a low end salary here is above average over there.

It's Easter time in Norway and I am at my parents' restaurant to help. I won't be around much but I will be reading. Have a great Easter everyone!

2008年3月21日 上午 4:42

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Thank you, Desertfox. Have a fruitful
holiday !

2008年3月21日 下午 1:55